Tabernacle truths are embedded in the Holy Bible. The Hebrew word mishkan means ‘dwelling-place’ or tabernacle. While wandering in the desert Moses built the temporary place of worship called tabernacle, according to the pattern shown to him by God. The Feast of Tabernacles commemorates this time of wandering before the Israelites entered the land of Canaan. The martyr Stephen spoke about the tabernacle as “tabernacle of the covenant.”
At Emet, we deal with questions like, “Why did God give Moses the instructions to build a tabernacle? What was the idea behind the tabernacle? Did the tabernacle symbolize the presence of God? What is the significance of each element or item in the tabernacle? Why did God ask Moses to build the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies?” The student is taken step by step into the construction part as well as the spiritual-significance to understand God’s overall intention in having the tabernacle in the midst of His people Israel. The showbread, the continuously burning lamp-stand, offering of incense and the priest entering the Holiest of Holies once in year as part of the ceremony of the Day of Atonement had their own significance and played a major role in the spiritual life of the Israelites.
We urge students to enrol in this course to find answers to all those questions above as our faculty would lead them into the real-meaning of tabernacle worship. The diligent student will find it amazing that the Word of God has supreme power in all that was done through Moses, David & Solomon in the building of the tabernacle and the temple!
Certificate level - 1 year
Diploma level - 2 years
PG Diploma level - 2 years
Bachelors level - 2 years
Masters level - 3 years
Certificate Course in Tabernacle & Worship - O3W.C.T&W
Diploma in Tabernacle & Worship - O3W.Dip.T&W
Post Graduate Diploma in Tabernacle & Worship - O3W.PG.D.T&W
Bachelor of Tabernacle & Worship - O3W.B.T&W
Bachelor of Blessing Tabernacle & Worship - O3W.B.T&W (Hons)
Master of Tabernacle & Worship - O3W.M.T&W
Master of Tabernacle & Worship Honors - O3W.M.T&W (Hons)
Doctor of Tabernacle & Worship - O3W.D.T&W
Minimum qualification: Higher Secondary Passed
Concept of “holy” explained to understand why HolY place & Holy of Holies
How was God’s presence unique in the tabernacle
Learn the significance of the showbread, the lamp-stand, altar of incense, the golden laver etc
Significance of 3 separate areas: the Outer Court, the Holy Place, and the Most Holy Place
Significance of the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies
Significance of the blood-sprinkling on the Ark of the Covenant
Significance of the veil of temple getting torn in two from top
Learn the fulfillment of the symbols in Jesus as the Light of the World
Minimum - Degree in any subject
Knowledge of English to read/write & speak
Some previous knowledge of salvation is required
Some aptitude for learning and grasping new ideas, techniques and skills is required