It is in God’s nature to always bless. Jesus said: “I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly” Jn. 10:10. God’s desire is always to bless us and that “more abundantly.” We also read in 3 Jn. 1:2, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” This makes it clear that blessings & prosperity go hand-in-hand in the life of a believer. While God’s love is unconditional, all other blessings and prosperity come with strings attached! In other words blessings and prosperity are conditional. But have we really learnt the secrets to reaping those blessings?
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning” – Jas. 1:17. All blessings and good gifts are “from above” and at Emet University, we are delighted to teach our students how the Word of God is absolutely in control of this giving “from above” and our main purpose is to enable them to understand that the Word-power not only bestows the blessings and prosperity but also sustains (Psa. 16:5) and finally culminates the blessings in eternity!
Our faculty to teach this subject has been drawn from the cream of Biblical scholars, who like a shepherd, lead our students to reap those blessings as they speak about the secrets of spiritual blessings (Eph. 1:3), physical blessings (Gen. 49:5) and eternal blessings (Psa. 21:6). Come, join this course and discover the blessings that are in store for you and learn how to reap them to be blessed and to be a blessing to others.
Certificate level - 1 year
Diploma level - 2 years
PG Diploma level - 2 years
Bachelors level - 2 years
Masters level - 3 years
Certificate Course in Blessings & Prosperity - O3W.C.B&P
Diploma in Blessings & Prosperity - O3W.Dip.B&P
Post Graduate Diploma in Blessings & Prosperity - O3W.PG.D.B&P
Bachelor of Blessings & Prosperity - O3W.B.B&P
Bachelor of Blessings & Prosperity Honors - O3W.B.B&P (Hons)
Master of Blessings & Prosperity - O3W.M.B&P
Master of Blessings & Prosperity Honors - O3W.M.B&P (Hons)
Acquire knowledge in the source of all Blessings & Prosperity
Acquire working knowledge in the secrets of Blessings & Prosperity
Learn to discern between physical/spiritual & eternal blessings
Gain in-depth knowledge on various types of Blessings & Prosperity
Claim and enjoy Blessings & Prosperity due to you
Learn to be a blessing to others
Minimum - Degree in any subject
Knowledge of English to read/write & speak
Some previous knowledge of salvation is required
Some aptitude for learning and grasping new ideas, techniques and skills is required