Agriculture deals with the cultivation of land, domestic animals and plants to provide food to sustain and enrich life besides providing fiber and medicine from medicinal plants. The history of agriculture goes back thousands of years where people gathered grains and planted them. Cattle, sheep and pigs were domesticated and used as animals of labor and for food. Agriculture is a part of botany which is science of plant life which includes topics like evolution of soil, seed, water plants, algae, fungi, tree, shrubs, plants and many more things.
At Emet University, the purpose of this course is to introduce to the eager students the ancient methods of agriculture and plant science (botany) that the student might combine this knowledge with the knowledge of modern methods gained at other learning centers to create sustainable methods and developments in agriculture and botany. The students will be taught from the ancient texts that deal with subjects like Principles of Agronomy and Agricultural Heritage, Fundamental of Agricultural Sciences in Ancient Vedas, Fundamentals of Sericulture, Horticulture, Principles and Methods of Plant Breeding, Fundamentals of Soil Science, Non-Mulberry Silkworms rearing technology, Nutrient Management and Fertilizer Technology, Principles of Silviculture (growing & cultivation of trees) and Forest Ecology, Biodiversity, Environmental Science and Climate Change, Principles of Seed Production and Quality control in Horticultural crops and Greenhouse construction & maintenance.
We deal with a rare topic called Divine Mathematical System which is powered by the O3 Word in the creation, sustenance and culmination of agriculture and botany. This is where at Emet we make a big difference! By taking the students to the very root of creation of this science we not only make this an interesting study but also enable the students to discover the divine science involved in agriculture and botany.
Bachelors level - 3 years - divided into 3 parts for each year
Masters level - 2 years
Bachelors in Agriculture & Botany - B.(O3W).Sc (Agri)
Masters in Agriculture & Botany - M.(O3W).Sc (Agri)
Bachelors in Agriculture & Botany - B.(O3W).Sc (Seri)
Masters in Agriculture & Botany - M.(O3W).Sc (Seri)
Bachelors in Agriculture & Botany - B.(O3W).Sc (For)
Masters in Agriculture & Botany - M.(O3W).Sc (For)
Bachelors in Agriculture & Botany - B.(O3W).Sc (Hor)
Masters in Agriculture & Botany - M.(O3W).Sc (Hor)
Discover the unique divine mathematical system at work
Discover ancient methods of agriculture
Learn agricultural sciences in ancient Vedas
Learn fundamentals of agriculture, sericulture, silviculture & horticulture
Discover the amazing world of a variety of plants
Discover medicinal properties in different herbs & plants
Discover how plant life support the ecosystem
Discover Non-Mulberry Silkworms rearing technology
Learn all about greenhouse-gases and their effects
Discover how climate-change affects agriculture
Learn new techniques and methods in greenhouse construction & maintenance
Minimum - Degree in any subject
Knowledge of English to read/write & speak
Some previous knowledge of agriculture & botany is required
Some aptitude for learning and grasping new ideas, techniques and skills is required